The Town of Cottesloe has prepared a new draft Local Planning Strategy, a document that will set the vision and aspirations for planning over the next 10-15 years.
The draft Local Planning Strategy has been prepared taking into consideration feedback gathered from the community in 2019 and mid 2023, broader Town and State strategic documents and analysis of the local community profile.
Thank you to everyone who provided a submission on the draft Local Planning Strategy. The submission period has now closed.
The Local Planning Strategy is made up of two parts.
Part 1 is the strategy and includes the vision, identification of key issues and opportunities, identification of Planning Areas (where growth will be targeted) and details of the Strategy’s implementation. Part 1 includes the strategy map which shows the key features and recommendations of the Local Planning Strategy on a spatial plan.
Part 2 is all the background information, context analysis and review of the local government profile that has informed the vision and recommendations outlined in Part 1.
No, whilst the Local Planning Strategy does identify areas where future development, such as infill could occur, it also considers other aspects of planning such as:
• Culture and heritage - how this can be recognised and protected.
• Community facilities and services - what is currently available and if there are identified gaps.
• The local economy and employment – if there are opportunities for growth or any identified gaps.
• Environment – how this can be protected, managed and/or enhanced.
• Transport – how people move around and how they want to move around.
• Infrastructure – if there are any issues or opportunities.
The Local Planning Strategy provides actions and the rationale for how these issues and opportunities will be addressed through the planning system.
The Town of Cottesloe is undertaking a review of the planning framework that guides new development. As part of the review, we will be preparing a Local Planning Strategy (the Strategy). We are engaging with the community because we want to make sure that the document reflects and supports the aspirations of the community and stakeholders for the future of the Town.
A Local Planning Strategy is a document that sets the vision and direction for local planning over the longer term (10-15 years). It links state and regional policies, strategies, and strategic development initiatives to local planning. It provides information for government, residents, business, and industry about the direction the Town will be taking to allow for population growth and demand for housing and commercial development and how we will respond to economic, environmental and social issues.
The Strategy considers strategic issues such as access to housing, protection of the natural environment and heritage and transport improvements. It identifies the location of residential, commercial, and industrial land that might be needed in the future.
Local Planning Strategies are prepared in accordance with the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015
The Strategy is not a statutory document and is not used to assess development applications, however it does guide decision making.
The Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 require a local government to prepare a Local Planning Strategy to guide its Local Planning Scheme. A Local Planning Strategy should be reviewed every five years.
The Town of Cottesloe’s current Local Planning Strategy was endorsed by the Western Australian Planning Commission in April 2012.
The review will enable the Town to align its Strategy with other Town documents including the Strategic Community Plan, strategies including the Natural Areas Management Plan and Heritage Strategy (in progress), technical studies including the Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Plan (in progress) and local plans like the Cottesloe Village Precinct Structure Plan (in progress).
The Local Planning Strategy will apply to all land within the Town of Cottesloe boundaries.
The Town of Cottesloe have been set a minimum target of an additional 970 dwellings and 2,140 people by the year 2050. Therefore, a major focus will also be to explore how to appropriately plan for and manage this future growth.
Following a detailed review of state and local planning framework as well as the engagement undertaken in 2019 and 2023, six Planning Areas have been identified for future growth and development. These areas will be the focus of future infill and include:
A. Cottesloe Village and Station Precinct
B. Grant Street/Swanbourne Station Precinct
C. Mosman Park/Victoria Street Station Precinct
D. McCall Centre
E. Car Park Area 2
F. Cottesloe Foreshore Area
The Strategy will identify locations where change may occur – this could include changes to residential densities, new areas for commercial and mixed-use activities and opportunities for community facilities.
There are six Planning Areas identified in the draft Local Planning Strategy where change may occur.
The Local Planning Strategy is a strategic document only and does not change the zoning or density of your property – it only identifies areas appropriate for change.
Changes to zoning and density are managed through the Local Planning Scheme. Once a Local Planning Strategy has been endorsed, the Town will progress the process of preparing a new Local Planning Scheme.
If your property is within a Planning Area, there may be changes to your property zoning or residential density in the future as part of the preparation of the new Local Planning Scheme. This may take some time, with Local Planning Scheme preparation often taking more than two years to be complete.
If your property is not within a Planning Area, there is currently no recommendation to change the zoning or residential density of your property.
A separate Community Needs Analysis is currently being undertaken for the Town to understand the current supply of community facilities and services and whether there are any gaps, duplication, or oversupply of these. This information will be incorporated into the Strategy to ensure that the existing and future population has access to the services and facilities they need.
The preparation of Local Planning Strategies takes time. There are many steps and different stakeholders who need to contribute to the plan, as well as approval at the local and State government level.
It is envisaged that the Strategy will be complete by early to mid 2025. The project steps and indicative timeframes are outlined under ‘Project Timeframes’. Please note that these are subject to change as some parts of the process are outside of the Town’s control.
In 2019, the Town undertook a review of its Local Planning Strategy and community engagement and prepared a discussion paper (documents available under Document Library) to identify any new opportunities and challenges.
The discussion paper was advertised for public comment to provide community input into this process. The public comments received during the advertising of the discussion paper were considered and noted by Council at its Ordinary Meeting on 15 December 2020.
The feedback gained from the community during this process was used to inform preparation of the new Local Planning Strategy.
The 2023 engagement built on the ideas and feedback raised in 2019. The engagement identified some additional themes and ideas which have been incorporated into the draft Local Planning Strategy, including:
• Emphasis on community value of open space, trees and vegetation canopy.
• Emphasis on active transport infrastructure.
• Identification of the importance of spaces like deli’s for community interaction.
• Expansion of Grant Street/Swanbourne Station Precinct Planning Area to the west.
The Local Planning Strategy sets the vision and aspirations for the future, and it is fundamental that this is developed with community input.
During the first phase of consultation (June/July 2023), the Town was seeking feedback on:
• Potential growth areas;
• Future building types; and
• Community service and facility needs.
The first phase of engagement did not focus on elements such as the environment, heritage, or coastal planning as these are being addressed in other current Town projects.
During this the second phase of consultation (September/October 2024), the Town is seeking feedback on the draft Local Planning Strategy.
The draft Local Planning Strategy is now available for public comment. View the information on the main page for more details.
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Phase 5 – Final Local Planning Strategy endorsed by the Council and Western Australian Planning Commission.
Phase 4 – Public advertising of draft Local Planning Strategy in line with the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations...
Phase 3 – Prepare draft Local Planning Strategy taking into consideration consultation outcomes and detailed background analysis.
Phase 2 – Preliminary consultation with the community and stakeholders, building on the work undertaken in 2019.
Phase 1 – Background review of relevant local and state planning documents.