The Town of Cottesloe oversees the land, golf course, building and associated facilities of Sea View Golf Club (SVGC), and is seeking to explore/investigate possibilities for redevelopment of the SVGC facilities. The golf course holds heritage significance for several reasons including its unique “links” course, historical importance, community landmark and sentimental value to the greater Western Australian community.
At the September 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council adopted the following key principles pertaining to land associated with Reserves 6613 and 1664, commonly referred to as the SVGC:
a. The Sea View Golf Course is a Class “A” crown reserve(s), under the management of the Town of Cottesloe for the purposes of Park Lands and Recreation;
b. The Sea View Golf Course cannot be used for residential or commercial development which is not compatible with the purposes of the crown reserve(s);
c. As Public Open Space, the public access to the Sea View Golf Course needs to be maintained;
d. The continued use of the Sea View Golf Course as a golf course is supported, acknowledging its heritage significance to the Cottesloe and greater Western Australian community; and
e. All activities on the Sea View Golf Course must provide positive environmental sustainability and public safety outcomes for the Cottesloe community.
In March 2024, the Sea View Golf Club (SVGC) – Clubhouse Redevelopment Strategy (the Strategy) was prepared outlining a process of investigation, consultation and decision criteria in relation to the adaptive re-use and/or complete redevelopment of the club house facilities. The detailed Strategy identified project stages, required project team/consultants, practical timeframes for each stage and estimated costs per stage.
At the April 2024 Ordinary Meeting, Council resolved to initiate a consultation to engage the community and gather feedback on the redevelopment of the Town-owned clubhouse facilities at SVGC.
In July 2024, Niche Planning Studio was engaged to undertake Stage 1 of the Strategy – Needs & Community Aspiration Analysis on behalf of Council. Community consultation for this stage has been designed in accordance with the objectives outlined in the Strategy, in particular:
- Establish community needs and desirable outcomes for the utilisation and operation of the Golf Course.
- Explore and establish acceptable alternate (community and Town) complementary uses for inclusion, adaption and addition, and/or additional to the existing facilities.
Council is keen to ensure that all Cottesloe residents, rate payers and businesses are given the opportunity to provide meaningful feedback. Responses from this survey and further in-person consultation will allow us to understand the community’s aspirations for the SVGC Clubhouse Redevelopment. In particular, the consultation will identify relevant opportunities and constraints, and key community priorities including the potential for any complementary uses to be included as part of the clubhouse redevelopment.