
In 2023 the Town of Cottesloe reviewed its Strategic Community Plan 2013-2023 and asked the community to participate in a Community Survey, to assist the Town in developing the new Council Plan 2023 – 2033.

Through the Community Survey, the need for a public toilet facility in south Cottesloe was highlighted. Following the Community Survey, a Community Perceptions Report showed that a public toilet facility in south Cottesloe was important to the community, and the lack of a facility resulted in a low satisfaction rating.

In response, Council has allocated $200,000 in the 2024/25 budget to address this concern. The Town is now seeking community feedback on a potential location for a public toilet facility in south Cottesloe, and the concept design. Further information is available in the Frequently Asked Questions and below.

  • Proposed Public Toilet Facility - south Cottesloe

    The Town of Cottesloe is seeking community feedback on the preferred location for public toilet facility in south Cottesloe.

    In the 2024/2025 budget, $200,000 was allocated to address the gap in public toilet facilities in south Cottesloe. However, based on a preliminary cost analysis, the estimated cost for this project ranges between $290,000 and $300,000, depending on the selected location. A significant portion of the budget is required for sewer and power connections, which are located on the eastern side of Marine Parade. To reduce costs, solar lighting has been incorporated into the design.

    Toilet Facility Overview

    The proposed facility will include:

    • One unisex accessible toilet
    • Storage space for cleaning equipment and consumables
    • Solar battery storage to support lighting and reduce utility costs


    Location Options

    Two potential locations have been identified, near Dutch Inn Playground.

    Option 1: Marine Parade, opposite Salvado Street

    • Natural screening by existing bushland, some vegetation to be removed
    • Closer sewer connection, reducing infrastructure costs


    Option 2: Marine Parade – Dutch Inn Playground at CT41 beach access path (by carpark)

    • Convenient access
    • Minimal vegetation impact and remedial site work required
    • Longer sewer connection, increasing costs


    Next Steps

    A formal budget amendment will be required should Council accept a tender exceeding the allocated budget. Your feedback is essential in guiding Council’s decision. Please take a moment to complete the survey before Tuesday, 22 April (5pm).